Tumsifu, Saidi and Dibeit are in their third and final year of

University! They are all doing very well and are enthusiastic about their upcoming graduation and the opportunity to start work as young professional men. Tumsifu and Dibeit will be practicing medicine with a focus on maternal and child health. Saidi will be aiming for a career in banking with his degree in Economics.
Recently, Dibeit visited a secondary school and literally took the stage to talk with a captive audience of young students (see picture). He reflected on his message in the following post that he shared on Facebook:

To treat or to prevent ?? I think it’s better to put more efforts to prevent diseases rather than to treat them, because to prevent is simple and costs less and does not need much technology. But treatments are costly and sometimes can lead to permanent disabilities, loss of hope, side effects from medication. Prevention is much more effective; you can educate thousands of people within one hour and 80% of them are changed and saved.
This message is for all my friends on Facebook – I need you to support me by telling your neighborhood, friends, kids, and students to avoid practices like unsafe sexual behavior, smoking cigarettes, unsafe abortion, excessive alcohol drinking, peer pressure, and drug abuse since all of these can danger their health status and destroy their future.
I’m focus on the young generation who have more time to change the world and pursue their destinations. (I’m happy and I’m doing that every day.) I hope more than 80% of my friends on Facebook are going to support me.

We are so proud of these young men and know that the ripple effect will be wide-reaching through them! If you’d like to support other young men like Tumsifu, Dibeit and Saidi as they pursue their higher education dreams, please consider donating to our campaign to Educate Children in Western Tanzania.